Have you ever lied? Well i believe every single soul on earth has done it, maybe not often, but everybody has done that. When we were little, our parents and people around us always say, "Tak baik tau menipu", "Always tell the truth", "Tipu tu berdosa tau", etc..etc..etc.. But when we got older and wiser, we who were taught not to lie, lied and keep on lying.
We will be giving so many reasons when we were asked on why we lied, i.e. "we doesn't want to hurt the person we love", " we doesn't want people to misundestand" and whatever we wish to make people believe on why we lied. Some even lied to get they *ss out of trouble.
But one simple lie will lead to another. It will later be a chain of lies and if you could not syncronize them well, your lies will be exposed.
Recently, a very close person to me threw lies to my face. I just knew that T was lying, but i pretended that i believed whatever T said. T must have a good reason on why T lied.
wow...sgt optimisticla kamu...
Luckily T is just a fren, klu BF mungkin dah lama lebam bijik mata.. hahahahah
dodent..u've been tagged
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