Tuesday, January 29, 2008

8 Random Facts

I was tagged by K. Aneez. Thanks for tagging me, at least i have something to update my blog.. Hahahah

The Rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.

2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.

3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.

4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

List eight (8) random facts about myself:

  1. I have problem focusing on things i'm doing. I am easily distracted by anything, even beluncas melintas pon boleh mengganggu gugat concentration. So I'll do one thing for a while and switch to another after awhile.
  2. Most of my friends said that i'm heartless, but the thruth is i just dunno how to express myself. And I hate losing my cool...
  3. When i was in primary school, kena rotan tu benda biasa for me. Dari sebesar2 rotan sampai la sekecik2 rotan aku dah rasa sebab aku memang malas buat homework. Or sebenar nye tak pernah buat homework. I dun have a book for a subject, semua buku aku macam rojak, BM, english, and other subject all in one book. Thank god when i was in STF i learn to do my homework (meniru homework sebenarnya)
  4. When i was in standard 2, aku still baca merangkak2. My spelling and grammar lagi la, tunggang langgang. I guess sampai sekarang pon spelling & grammar aku macam tu lagi. The only book i love to read is the atlas.
  5. I don't swim but i float.. ehehehe... (teringat iklan Digi- En. Kuning pegi diving)
  6. I am not fussy about food but I hate taugeh. I hate it when i hafta to siang taugeh, dah la mmg tak makan pon. I don't like mushroom and i don't eat laksa too except laksa johor and laksam.
  7. I can't stand staying with my parents more than 3 days. Nanti start la sandiwara, telenovela or you name it whatever you want.
  8. Aku pernah bertumbuk dengan a boy when i was in standard 5 sampai kena panggil dgn HM. It was a reflect after he kicked me on my tummy because i accidentally punch his BCG yang tengah bengkak.

Aku tak tau sapa aku nak tag. Tapi aku tag jugak la. So to Lila, K.Yan, Leymah, Aleem, K. Dilla, Irin, Faiez sila lah yer. Kalau malas tak yah.. :D

Monday, January 28, 2008

Gurlz just wanna have fun

Last weekend we organised a b'day party for Leymah cum mini gathering for us @ Borneo Rainforest. And it turned out to be a suprise farewell party for me too.. Hehehe.. As usual, when we were unite, the keypoh sessions begin. Updates, gossips and reminiscent our memories of school days.

The food was ok, but the ambiance was great. Thank god our tables were a bit isolated from others (they have so many sections), we were laughing and chatting like mad that we might have irritates other patrons.

Here are some photos from leymah & nurgee

Thank you to everybody for throwing a farewell party for me.. thanks for the card, the cake, the gift and most of all for your time. I'm gonna miss y'all; truth is i'm already missing u guys..

Standing: Ja, Sherry, Odie, Irin, Inaleem & Farrah

Bwh: Maw, Sareque, Faiez, Nurgee, Me & Leymah

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lie...to lies

Have you ever lied? Well i believe every single soul on earth has done it, maybe not often, but everybody has done that. When we were little, our parents and people around us always say, "Tak baik tau menipu", "Always tell the truth", "Tipu tu berdosa tau", etc..etc..etc.. But when we got older and wiser, we who were taught not to lie, lied and keep on lying.

We will be giving so many reasons when we were asked on why we lied, i.e. "we doesn't want to hurt the person we love", " we doesn't want people to misundestand" and whatever we wish to make people believe on why we lied. Some even lied to get they *ss out of trouble.

But one simple lie will lead to another. It will later be a chain of lies and if you could not syncronize them well, your lies will be exposed.
Recently, a very close person to me threw lies to my face. I just knew that T was lying, but i pretended that i believed whatever T said. T must have a good reason on why T lied.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I celebrated new year packing my stuffs.. Yes I am moving. I'll be staying with Irin & Rina for a month and then if there is no problem with my visa, off me go leaving my frens.. sob..sob...

Anyway, i had early celebration for new year or shud i call it year end holiday.. :D. Faiez, GG, Berry and I went to singapore.

The trip was great and we manage to 'keraskan' muscle kaki berjalan. It was the first time i had soo many bus ride when i was in singapore. Normally I took MRT to most of the places.

We took night train from KL-S'pore and had a "splendid" time sleeping in our bunker. The journey was 10.5 hours. Kalau la perasan awal skit, dah lama kitorang decided to drive jer. Lagi senang, tapi sure penat giler espcially on the way back. Sebab banyak sangat menapak masa kat sana, sampai nak tercabut kaki.

The first day, we went to Sim Lim Sq finding phone's accessories and walked a bit at bugis area. Faiez bought new wheel for MoFo(her hamster) and some other hamster stuff. Then went to see the 'cursed' statue, hehehehe the merlion. Later had dinner @ Satay Club not far(according to irin) from the merlion, but since we were tired and hungry, it took us forever to get there.

Day 2 - "Orchard here we come". We checked out from the backpacker @ 12 smthg and took cab to lavender. Nak letak bags, so tak yah nak balik backpackers' tu nak amek bag. From the bus station we walked to MRT station nak pg orchard rd. Sambil jalan sempat lagi singgah 7-E beli mashed potato and drinks. Frankly, penat siol jalan kaki banyak..

Sampai jer orchard rd, pegi hrc dulu beli barang pesanan my cousin. Br aku perasan HRC tu jauh gak, masa muda2 dulu aku rasa aku boley pegi balik orchard rd tu dekat 10 kali pon ok jer... Hehehhe, ok..ok.. aku tau, aku dah gumuk sebenar nya.. :D, tapi still tak lupa beli ice cream roti yg jual tepi jalan tu. Masa zaman student dulu, everytime pegi area tu, tak kira la ngan didie ke, ngan As & Jull ke, mesti beli ice cream.

Turun jer escalator kat Atria, terus nampak Charles & Keith.. Hmmm apalagi.. shopping sakan la.. Faiez & Berry bought 4-5 pairs of shoes each, and GG & I got ourselves a handbag. Later after lunch/tea kitorang bersiar2 cuci mata. Then masa i was 'q'ing in Esprit, Faiez handphone was stolen from her sling bag. Yes it was her N95 8G. Kesian Faiez, all our 'cacat' photo pon tinggal kenangan jer la.

I caught the Merlion

Enjoying coffee & juice @ Bugis Junction

Control ayu, padahal dah penat giler

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Spending Style Test

Didie forced me to do this test. But i doubt the result.. hahahahah

Take this test!
People who are Savvy Spenders likely have a great deal of self-confidence around money. They trust in their ability to make good decisions, they're less prone to spend solely to make themselves feel good in the moment, and they're not overly swayed by bargains or by name brands. They're neither cheap nor extravagant, and they are good at maintaining a practical middle-ground.