Yesterday before i left house for work, there was a cat stranded at the window sill of my window that facing my entrance door. I was late for work, so i don't bother to get a closer look.. I was thinking that he might be able to find his way down/out of there...
So.. i go to work as usual, then went to Mydin after work and reached home sometime almost 7pm... and..... the cat was still there... God help me... how on earth did you get there Mr. Kitty.. I can't think of any possible way that he could end up at my window sill... there were no flat roof or any platform that he could jump from to get there.. Probably he fell down from upper floor..
I tried to get him out of there but failed. So I decided to buka puasa first then attend to Mr. Kitty later..
Rescue Mission 1
I was trying to reach Mr. Kitty see if i could get hold of any part of his body and pull him into the window - Failed
Complication- I can't open the window too wide or else Mr. Kitty won't have any ground to stand. And my window is grilled; my hands are 'tembam'; so i can't really get hold of Mr. Kitty.. However i managed to get myself a few scratches and bruise.. :D
I took a short break, thinking of any other way to save him... Meanwhile, i went to my kitchen trying to find something to feed Mr. Kitty. He must be hungry staying helplessly in that confine space since morning. Lucky him i have canned Tuna in Oil... Put the Tuna in a small plastic container, and let him eat before i could think of any other way...
Rescue Mission 2
I tried to get him to go into a shoe box (that i forced to get thru the grille). - Failed
Complication-By the time the box was out of the window, dah nak lunyai... lembik giler.. but i still try to persuade (i actually talked to Mr. Kitty) him to get into the box.. And i don't have the confidence that the box can hold Mr. Kitty's load.. So i gave up..
Rescue Mission 3
Using a plastic bag (not the plastic bag from kedai/pasar; more like a 'plastic paper bag') and i put some tuna in it... penat jugak la nak mengumpan dia masuk dlm plastic bag tu.. At last berjaya gak.. heheheheh
So selamat la Mr. Kitty.. Sikit lagi nak panggil bomba.. heheheh.. Before i let him go, bagi makan tuna lagi.. :D..
Lepas mission menyelamatkan Mr. Kitty terus teringat lagu nih:
mak aii.. smelly cat makan tuna mahai tuh. semoga murah rezeki chot menyelamatkan anak ikan... ehh.. anak kucing :-p
Mana dtg lak anak ikan nih? ;p
Hebat aa Dodent! Kucin tu mesti syg ko :)
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