Tuesday, January 29, 2008

8 Random Facts

I was tagged by K. Aneez. Thanks for tagging me, at least i have something to update my blog.. Hahahah

The Rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.

2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.

3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.

4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

List eight (8) random facts about myself:

  1. I have problem focusing on things i'm doing. I am easily distracted by anything, even beluncas melintas pon boleh mengganggu gugat concentration. So I'll do one thing for a while and switch to another after awhile.
  2. Most of my friends said that i'm heartless, but the thruth is i just dunno how to express myself. And I hate losing my cool...
  3. When i was in primary school, kena rotan tu benda biasa for me. Dari sebesar2 rotan sampai la sekecik2 rotan aku dah rasa sebab aku memang malas buat homework. Or sebenar nye tak pernah buat homework. I dun have a book for a subject, semua buku aku macam rojak, BM, english, and other subject all in one book. Thank god when i was in STF i learn to do my homework (meniru homework sebenarnya)
  4. When i was in standard 2, aku still baca merangkak2. My spelling and grammar lagi la, tunggang langgang. I guess sampai sekarang pon spelling & grammar aku macam tu lagi. The only book i love to read is the atlas.
  5. I don't swim but i float.. ehehehe... (teringat iklan Digi- En. Kuning pegi diving)
  6. I am not fussy about food but I hate taugeh. I hate it when i hafta to siang taugeh, dah la mmg tak makan pon. I don't like mushroom and i don't eat laksa too except laksa johor and laksam.
  7. I can't stand staying with my parents more than 3 days. Nanti start la sandiwara, telenovela or you name it whatever you want.
  8. Aku pernah bertumbuk dengan a boy when i was in standard 5 sampai kena panggil dgn HM. It was a reflect after he kicked me on my tummy because i accidentally punch his BCG yang tengah bengkak.

Aku tak tau sapa aku nak tag. Tapi aku tag jugak la. So to Lila, K.Yan, Leymah, Aleem, K. Dilla, Irin, Faiez sila lah yer. Kalau malas tak yah.. :D


Didie said...

ehh.. aku pon tak suka taugeh tapi dah makan ler sket2 dah besar nih.
hehh.. ngaku jugak heartless :-p

Leymah Giggs said...

Dodent mmg heartless..

LiLa said...

Ko nyer tagging aku dah jawab....ko kena tambah lagi satu fact...sekarang ni ko tgh gila backpack :)

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://home-theater-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.