Monday, September 10, 2007

When an Insomniac Dreams...

Me having problem to sleep is not a new thing. Yes I think I am an insomniac. Before I go to work today, I only had less than 2 hrs sleep. I don't feel sleepy nor tired. Being awake for more than 36 hours is not a problem. I've tried to see a doctor before, she gave me anti anxiety but that didn't work. When you go to doctor saying that you are having sleeping disorder do expect these questions
- Do you smoke?
- Do you have any problems at work bothering you?
- Do you have family problems?
- Do you see things? (Imaginary stuff)
- And all sorts of questions that makes you think 'Are you trying to say that I am insane?' and I almost say this to the Dr:'You wanna know what's bothering me? Your questions'... hahahahha

But i do have my 'shut down' days; normally twice or three times in a fortnight. It's when i fall asleep around 10pm and wake up at 8am the next morning or sleep late and wake up late. I only need 8 full hours of sleep for the shut down.. My normal sleeping time is 3.5-5 hours; quality sleep. I am a deep sleeper even the hour might be a little shorter than normal people.

According to science, sleep is catagorize in 4 diff stages.
1- Between wakefulness and sleeping (last between 1-7min), mind and body active and busy, short term memory being used
2- Light sleep, mind and bosy calm and relax, long term memory activated, learning is easy and rapid.
3- Sleep (About 20 min after 1st falling asleep), a state of deep relaxation, high creativity and insight, su-conscious mind accessible.
4- Deep Sleep, Sleeping, minimum brain activity.

People normally dreams approximately 3-4 times a nite and we will remember a dream that occurs during REM (Rapid Eye Movement;60-90min interval). Well that explained why I always say I don't normally dream during my sleep, maybe i just didn't remember. And not being able to have enuff sleep must has given me less REM; which is not good. Because lack of REM can cause illness and premature ageing - that's why people have a term 'beauty sleep'. Harvard medical school also conduct a study that says we are not only capable to be an actor in our dreams, we can also be the director. Which I do agree, because sometimes i did decide how i want my dream to be.

For me dreams are like a reminder or a warning, minus all the merepek mimpi such as kereta terbang or being in the wonderland where everything around you can talk.. I normally realize the message of my dream after the 'thing' has happen. Not that i could avoid it from happening but at least i could prepare myself, because most of the time it was a sad thing.

Well.. well.. well... However, when you dreamt of something, related, 2 nites in a row (macam tengok citer series kat TV, boley sambung2).. It's kinda freaky.. hmmm.. I had those kind of dreams last week.. Frankly, i dun feel good about it. Let's just wait and see.. Whatever it is, things happen for reason and it's from God.


Didie said...

Very informative. Ko mmg Chot, kalau dah shut off tuh bom meletup pon ko tak sedar :-p

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Teringat lak zaman sekolah aku boley jawap soalan add maths during sleep... Lwak betull!!